Breaking hasBrain
When I had almost ended up my first year at TDT University and given more than two and a half months to stay at home, I decided to join hasBrain.

At first, I was a little nervous, so I asked some of my friends to go with me. We’re invited into some Slack channels and given an entrance test by hasBrain. I’d spent my whole Saturday at home doing it. The day after, we brought our result to present it with some candidates and Mr. Kaiwei — founder of hasBrain. I was so happy that I’d been accepted to become a trainee at hasBrain. My first sprint to become a true programmer started then.
The first two-week sprint at hasBrain was overwhelming. We’re all assigned to make an app using React Native — a powerful cross-platform framework for creating mobile apps — which all of us haven’t touched before. It took us a week to get used to the framework and the JavaScript language. After that, we jumped into the code, start writing some components in React Native. I was working as the knowledge & problem-solving lead. Throughout the processes, I helped other guys a lot to solve their problems with their code, their tools, and other stuff. I also gave them some advice but they didn’t seem to take it, as they still made lots of problems then, that made me feel a little bit disappointed.
By the way, we’re growing so rapidly here. After a few months at hasBrain, I’ve improved a lot, include coding skills, problem & solving skills, communication skills. I feel more confident in speaking English. Before hasBrain, I’d got a lot of free time. I used to play games with my friends or watching movies. But now, everything’s changed. I spend more time reading, learning, coding, and improving myself. So I don’t have enough time to play games anymore. It’s a good signal, isn’t it?